Meet your Mentor
If you're longing to take control of your own healthcare, Homeopathy is the bridge to independence in that. This group coaching program is designed to equip, encourage, and educate you in caring for your family using the things that God gave us in the beginning. It's my pleasure to walk you through parts of this program while you choose when and how to walk through other parts.
Here's what you can expect
What's Included
The following 5 modules:
Introduction --> Understanding the Basics and History --> Case-taking --> Remedy Profiles --> Getting Started
- Self-paced online videos of me teaching the lessons in each module
- 100-page Workbook
- Downloadable documents
- Access to my Quizlet Classes
- Private community where you can continue the conversation
- Weekly live coaching groups for 6 months
Each live call includes:
- Specific topics
- Case-taking practice
- Q&A time
- Encouragement
- Prayer
- Coaching to become the Homeopath of your home
I am a newbie to homeopathy and absolutely loved how Melissa ran her class. I loved her practical encouragement, tender spirit, and kindness toward each student no matter where we were each at in our journey. I learned SO much and can't wait to learn more from Melissa. - Brittany
I enjoyed the atmosphere of learning. I felt like I could learn this and use what I learned. I felt comfortable asking questions or just listening.
I learned so much in this class and I look forward to taking many more future classes with Melissa. Homeopathy is a vast medicine to comprehend and understand and Melissa takes time to explain it in a way that even the most novice person can understand.
Curriculum Preview
- Welcome (2:06)
- Acute vs. Chronic (6:33)
- All About Fevers (16:12)
- Case-Taking with C-MELTS (16:20)
- Quizlet Classes (24:20)
- Acute Case-Taking Live Call #1 Slides and Recording
- Cold, Cough, Flu Live Call #2 Slides and Recording (107:00)
- Sore Throats Live Call #3 Slides & Recording (64:40)
- Headaches Live Call #4 Slides & Recording (44:04)
- Sinusitis Live Call #5 Slides & Recording (51:29)
- GI Disturbances Live Call #6 Slides (53:22)
- GIVE 15% GET 15%!
- Welcome and Intro (3:45)
- Aconitum Napellus (6:00)
- Allium cepa (5:31)
- Antimonium tart (2:12)
- Apis mellifica (4:46)
- Arnica montana (5:02)
- Arsenicum album (5:21)
- Baptisia (3:12)
- Belladonna (3:30)
- Bellis perinnis (3:11)
- Bryonia alba (2:16)
- Calendula (5:13)
- Cantharis (2:08)
- Carbo veg (3:40)
- Chamomilla (9:10)
- China Off (2:54)
- Cocculus (2:14)
- Colocynthis (2:07)
- Drosera (2:08)
- Euphrasia (1:48)
- Ferrum phos (4:12)
- Gelsemium (4:00)
- Hepar sulph calc (5:54)
- Hypericum (2:14)
- Ignatia (3:40)
- Ipecac (4:54)
- Kali bich (1:32)
- Lachesis muta (3:47)
- Ledum (2:04)
- Lycopodium (1:56)
- Mag phos (2:03)
- Merc viv (2:13)
- Nat sulph (1:45)
- Nux vomica (2:19)
- Phos-ac (4:52)
- Phosphorus (3:29)
- Pulsatilla (9:15)
- Rhus tox (7:34)
- Ruta grav (3:07)
- Sepia (15:03)
- Silica terra (3:18)
- Spongia (2:11)
- Staphysagria (3:03)
- Sulphur (4:19)
- Symphytum (4:33)
- Tabacum (2:08)
- Urtica urens (1:16)
- Veratrum album (2:11)
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